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Breaking Free: How I Cured My Ulcerative Colitis


Are you sick and tired of the never-ending battle with ulcerative colitis?


Living with a chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease is both physically and emotionally draining. I know this firsthand, as I battled with ulcerative colitis for years.

But what if I tell you it doesn’t have to be this way? That it is not true. You don’t have to battle this disease for the rest of your life. 

Through my relentless search for holistic cures for colitis, I can proudly say that I have successfully cured my ulcerative colitis. In this article, I will share with you my personal story, the strategies I employed, and the key to finally ending the nightmare of ulcerative colitis.

Table of Contents

About Me:

Before we proceed, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I am Jordan Power, an Internet entrepreneur and the president of an elite marketing firm, Grey Smoke Media.

For 18 years of my life, I struggled with ulcerative colitis. I went through numerous hospital admissions, extreme weight loss, difficult moments of crippling depression, and unyielding arthritis. My ulcerative colitis ruined vacations and affected my relationship with others– ripped out almost all the joy from life.

Breaking Free How I Cured My Ulcerative Colitis-about me
At the age of 27, my doctor suggested I remove my colon.
Me in the hospital at 27

At the age of 27, my doctor suggested I remove my colon.

After I’ve exhausted all other options to cure my illness, my doctor suggested to remove more than 12 inches of my colon as a way to stop inflammation. But being a resourceful person, I had other plans in mind. I wanted to heal through natural means.

Is ulcerative colitis prevalent in simpler societies?

Take Kitava, for example, a small island with 2,000 inhabitants off the eastern coast of Papua New Guinea. The area lacks electricity, transportation, modern communication, and antibiotics. 

But remarkably, acne is nonexistent in Kitava, even among the adult population. Occurrences of heart disease, strokes, and other chronic ailments are also extremely rare. So what did Kitava do right?

Prevention. As we have grown accustomed to the convenience brought by medicines and technology, the human gut microbiome is on the brink of extinction. Fast foods or processed foods, chemicals, and medications affect the human gut microbiome– the microorganisms living in our gut that are crucial for survival. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, I never underwent the surgery and healed myself naturally.

Embracing Natural Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis

Breaking Free How I Cured My Ulcerative Colitis - Embracing Natural Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis

How I healed my ulcerative colitis involves plenty of exploration of natural remedies. The following played a crucial role in managing and alleviating my symptoms.

Nourishing the Body

My journey toward healing commenced with a reevaluation of what nourishment truly means. Embracing nutrient-rich foods became a cornerstone, fostering a harmonious relationship with my body. I started to recognize the intimate connection between diet and digestive health.

  • Mindful Nutrition: Understanding that the body’s nutritional needs play a crucial role in managing my ulcerative colitis, I adopted a mindful approach to nutrition. Prioritizing nutrient-dense foods became a foundation for wellness, focusing on providing the body with the essential vitamins and minerals needed for healing.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Diet: I tailored my diet to include ingredients known for their inflammation-reducing properties. This involved incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, curcumin, and lean proteins while slowly eradicating the intake of processed foods, sugars, and potential trigger foods.
  • Hydration: Staying adequately hydrated is paramount for digestive health. Water supports the digestive process, aids nutrient absorption, and helps prevent dehydration. I made a conscious effort to prioritize water intake throughout the day.
  • Balanced Macronutrients: Balancing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—plays a vital role in maintaining overall health. I ensured a well-rounded distribution of these nutrients in my meals, acknowledging their unique contributions to energy, muscle function, and cellular repair.
  • Personalized Nutrition: I closely examined how specific foods influenced my symptoms. Through trial and error, I identified trigger foods and personalized my diet accordingly, aligning with the principle of tailoring nutrition to individual needs.
  • Nutrient Support: I considered beef liver supplementation to address potential nutritional deficiencies. This approach ensured that my body received the necessary vitamins and minerals essential for healing, complementing the efforts of a well-balanced diet.

Nature’s Remedies: Embracing the Gifts of the Earth

Drawing inspiration from the vitality found in fresh produce, I delved into the realm of natural remedies. Aloe vera, turmeric, and the healing potency of probiotics became allies in my quest for relief, aligning with the principles of embracing nature’s gifts.

Improve Mood and Mental Well-Being

Incorporating stress-reduction techniques provided a sanctuary for my mind. These practices not only aided in managing symptoms but also created a mental space for calmness and resilience.

Engaging in regular, gentle exercise triggered the release of endorphins, well known as the body’s natural mood enhancers. Physical activity not only contributed to improved physical health but also uplifted my spirits and provided a positive outlet for stress.

Working with Holistic Professionals

Don’t get me wrong, I am no medical professional. I still work with my doctor and seek expert guidance. Remember that each individual’s condition is unique. What worked for me may not work for you, which is why working with a medical professional is still crucial.

Working with a doctor added a layer of depth and diversity to my approach to managing ulcerative colitis. The collaborative efforts of experts contributed to a comprehensive, personalized strategy that addressed not only the symptoms but also the underlying factors of my condition, fostering a holistic path to wellness.

Consistent Pursuit of Wellness

The essence of persistent wellness lies in consistent efforts. Whether it was adhering to dietary modifications, practicing mindfulness daily, or staying committed to regular exercise, consistency formed the backbone of my journey.

Small, intentional actions accumulated over time, contributing to a positive impact on my overall health. As my symptoms subsided, a newfound sense of well-being emerged—a testament to the power of holistic healing. But just because I healed from ulcerative colitis, that doesn’t mean I stopped my holistic health practices. 

My story of breaking free from the chains of ulcerative colitis is a testament to the resilience within us. Nothing is impossible; maybe it’s just us putting limits on ourselves.

Consistent Pursuit of Wellness
12 countries in 12 months. Finally got my life back.

My Approach

By simply sharing what has worked for me, I have informally guided others through their health challenges. It’s humbling to witness people I care about glow from optimal mental and physical health. 

While I cannot guarantee that the strategies I present in this post will magically cure any physical or mental ailment, I ask that you approach these strategies with an open mind. By sharing my story, I hope you get inspired to embark on your own path to natural healing.


My e-book, “The Freedom Blueprint,” is a holistic guide to healing your body naturally. 

My approach addresses the root causes of Inflammatory Bowel Disease so that, like me, you won’t have to suffer any longer.

Are you tired of the constant struggle with inflammatory bowel disease?

It’s time to reclaim your freedom and vitality by reading “The Freedom Blueprint”.

The author eliminated his chronic illness after 18 years.

Discover ground-breaking alternatives to medication and hospital visits, explore new eating habits and learn how to eliminate harmful toxins from your life.

Understand the role of gut microbiota imbalances, pesticides, water quality, and more in aggravating diseases like Ulcerative Colitis.

You don’t have to live in discomfort and distress.


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Suffering from Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease?

After 18 years of suffering, I am finally free.

Learn how I did it without medication. GET YOUR LIFE BACK.